Just a couple of days, on Sunday, Russia announced that former X Factor star, Julia Samoylova, would represent her country in Kiyv this year. Julia, who has been using a wheel-chair since childhood, is scheduled to perform her entry "Flame Is Burning" during the second semi-final on May 11th. However, shortly after the announcement it was host country Ukraine who is now trying to disqualify Julia's participation. Ukraine said Monday that it may bar Julia from entering the country, on the grounds that she illegally toured Crimea after Russia annexed the peninsula back in 2014. The singer has confirmed that she indeed sang in Crimea.
Meanwhile, Mr. Jon Ola Sand, EBU's Executive Supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, has stated in a press conference that “we fully respect and understand the laws of Ukraine, but from the point of European Broadcasting Union (EBU) we have no objections to the Russian delegation and do not see any violations on their part.” Having said that, the EBU is giving the final decision to the Ukrainian government as to whether Julia can enter the country to compete in May and "will respect it". A final decision will be made in the next week or so. Stay tuned!